Středoevropská feministická škola
Central European Feminist School

Cílem projektu je podělit se o základní teoretické znalosti v kontextu feminismu. Vytváříme platformu pro všechny, kteří by rádi sdíleli své praktické i teoretické zkušenosti. Projekt umožní vyměňovat dovednosti a znalosti s dalšími mladými feministkami a feministy, kteří působí v České republice, Slovensku, Maďarsku a Polsku, s cílem posílit feministické sítě v regionu.
In english: The project aims to share fundamental theoretical knowledge about feminist issues, there is a need for a platform which is accessible and inclusive to those with practical experience who do not come from an academic background and have fewer opportunities. The project would allow these young people the opportunity to exchange skills and knowledge with other young feminists active in their own country and in the partner countries to strengthen feminist networks in the region.
You can expect workshops, new friendships and professional connections, as well as delightful evening activities, all in a non-formal international environment. We are going to touch upon topics such as feminist vs feminine art, history of women suffrage or share some practical tips and tricks on your activism and campaining. Since we operate on an "equal with equal" basis you are also expected to bring your knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm to co-create this whole experience with us ;)
Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s.
Slovensko-český ženský fond
Hungarian Women's Lobby
Women's Foundation eFKa
Zpětná vazba účastnic a účastníků
"Ešte raz sa chcem poďakovať za to, že som sa mohla zúčastniť tak skvelej a prínosnej akcie."
"Ešte raz ďakujem za skvelú organizáciu feministickej školy, bol to pre mňa nezabudnuteľný zážitok, naozaj mi to dalo veľa. ♥ Dúfam, že sa vám podarí v koordinácii s inými krajinami niečo podobné ešte zopakovať."
"I would like to thank you and all the orginizers for such an amazing experience I have obtained at this Summer School.
"Ďakujem za tento týždeň, bola to pre mňa skvelá skúsenosť, cítila som sa veľmi dobre v tomto kolektíve a bola by som veľmi rada, ak by som sa mohla v budúcnosti ešte podobných projektov zúčastniť. "
"Doufám že se máte skvěle! A moc děkuji za jeden z nej zážitků v životě"
" I absolutely enjoyed the School. It was really a great experience and I am so happy to get to know more feminists from this part of the world. I hope we will have the school or any other format where we will can meet, talk and share at least one more time."
"It was a very great and useful experience for me too, I liked the feeling of the Visegrad-sisterhood a lot. :)"
"Option to network with so many people with activist background and engage in so many interesting workshops was awesome. I´m looking forward or next edition of school."

Time's up (2019)
The painting we have chosen is actually feminist on its own - it was painted by a woman and it depicts an act of sexual harassment. However, we took it a bit further by having the assaulted woman be self-defensive and standing up for herself with confidence. She is using the wen-do techniques of hitting the elbow of the attacker while shouting assertively at him and making eye contact. What a shero!

Merry Trio (2019)
In the early 17th century, single women tended to have clandestine parties in the yards of the mayor's house.
The woman in red is wearing a plastic hat, which was the sign of wealth at that time. Only those people could afford it, who had a time machine and could buy these souvenirs in the future.
The woman to the right is holding a mandolin, representing her independence, as playing musical instruments was a privilege of men in the era.
In the window we can see the children of the third woman, trying to ask her for food, because they've been starving for days, since the party started.
Possessing time machine enabled these women to see the future, where they are almost as worth as men, which might explain their unusual behavior.
The Arnolfini Portrait (2019)
We see same sex couple sharing maternity. There is a young man behind them - he is a semen donor who support their decision happily. He is very happy to take a part in this miracle. Women are looking at each other with trust, love and equality.
This couple is representing trustful equal relations on this picture instead of just showing of their wealth.
Brighter light is telling us healthy atmosphere in this family.
Robert Andrews of the Auberies and Frances Carter of Ballingdon House after the marriage (2019)
Re-framing the image of young people's family life.
Equal heterosexual relationship are much more intimate and trustful. It is represented in their position - they are close to each other.
Instead of a weapon we chose to put a laptop in hands of "giver" of a family. Knowledge and information are biggest weapon today. Stereotypical gender roles are also changed. Man is happy to be a keeper - he is holding vegetables. Vegetables are representing mindfulness regarding a nature and vitality of equal relationship.
This couple is free from stereotypes and man is wearing the pink hooding because he likes this color and he can wear whatever he wants.
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Project coordinator: Eva Lukešová