Středoevropská Feministická Škola – 2. ročník

2. ročník

Druhý ročník Středoevropské feministické školy se uskutečnil v Polsku v roce 2021.

Nově se čtyři absolventky z prvního ročníku podílely na organizaci celé školy.

Zapojené organizace

Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s.

Slovensko-český ženský fond

Hungarian Women's Lobby

Women's Foundation eFKa

Co o škole řekli absolventky a aboslventi prvního ročníku?

1. ročník

První ročník Středoevropské feministické školy se uskutečnil v České republice v roce 2019.

Účastnilo se 8 lidí z každé země Visegrádské čtyřky (včetně 3 mužů). Vyměnovaly se dovednosti a znalosti a došlo k posílení feministické sítě.

Program tvořil:

  • 12 workshopů

  • 5 gender expertek

  • 5 absolventek z prvního ročníku

  • 32 feministických přátel

  • 1 panelová diskuze

  • 5 významných feministických osobností ze států V4.

Panelová diskuze o feminismu

- v Krakově s významnými feministickými osobnostmi ze zemí V4.

🟡Silvie Lauder accepted the invitation on behalf of the Czech side. --->She was awarded the Open Society Fund Journalist Prize in 2013. ---> She wrote about the crisis of the modern man ("The New Weaker Sex"), why feminism is so unpopular in the Czech Republic ("The New Wave of Feminism"), about women in politics, or why we expect increasingly educated and successful Czech women to give up their careers completely the moment they become mothers ("Women in the Offside").

🟡Judit Acsády accepted the invitation on behalf of the Hungarian side. ---> Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. ---> In her research, she focuses on topics such as: Gender relations after the transition and in state socialism, Social construction of care, Emancipation, women in public life, social history: Hungarian feminist movements in the 20th century.

🟡Iwona Demko accepted the invitation on behalf of the Poland side. --->She graduated from the department of sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. She is currently employed as an associate professor at her alma mater. --->She is a curator of various feminist exhibitions, such as: "200 Years of the Academy 100 Years of the Academy of Women", "Women's Reservoir". The initiator and organizer of the "Year of Women of the Academy of Fine Arts." She also focuses on the history of the first female students of the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts.

🟡Miroslava Bobáková accepted the invitation on behalf of the Slovak side. --->She is dedicated to women's rights issues, the development of civil society, in particular through the promotion and development of women's rights organizations, women's groups and initiatives, feminist philanthropy, the rise of activism and active citizenship in systems of shared governance.

🟢The panel discussion was moderated by Réka Safrány, president of the European Women's Lobby and Chair of the Hungarian Women's Lobby.

Program školy

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Project coordinator: Eva Lukešová