Competence mapping

We have developed a method that will improve people's position on the labor market!

The course is designed for those who are restarting their career, both in the sense of transitioning from unemployment or economic inactivity, self employment, or transitioning from one job position to anothe.

The Kaleidoscope of Competencies is an international project that was developed by organizations from Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Each organization brings their different experience in practice to the project:

- socially excluded

- people at risk of poverty

- people with a low level of education / lacking qualifications

- minorities

- migrant

"We explore the work history and an overview of what each individual has learned in life. By looking at the past, we find our way into the future"

The course help you in:

- increase self-confidence and confidence in your own abilities

- to realize how your past experience shapes your competencies

- identify and present your current competencies

- define a career goal and the steps that lead to its realisation

- strengthen your position in the labour market

Together with Akropolis, z.s. on May 17, 2018, we organized an international conference "Career education or it never ends"

More information:

This project was financed by the European Comission.

Project partners:

migrare (Rakousko)

Akropolis (Česká republika, Uherské Hradiště)

Miesto pod slnkom (Slovensko)